Bulleen Lions U15B Win 5th Round ~ Chris Pattas Blog

May 16, 2010

Bulleen Lions U15B Win 5th Round

The Bulleen Lions U15B team has won their 5th game.  They played Manningham at the Timber Ridge Reserve in Doncaster in Melbourne, Australia.  The first half performance see-sawed with both teams missing opportunities.  Manningham scored first with Bulleen returning the goals quickly.  At half-time the score was 3-3.  The coach, Thomas Houndalas, got quite passionate and told the team they could do a lot better and were not using all their skills or passing well enough. The boys then scored two more goals in the second half to finish the game with a 3-5 win - their 5th consecutive win for the season.  Enjoy the images and video below:

Here are some images from the day:
Here is a summary video of the goals and all the near misses. Checkout the happy parents at the end!

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