How to Use Mobile Marketing to Drive Your Business to New Heights ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Aug 5, 2010

How to Use Mobile Marketing to Drive Your Business to New Heights

According to the Enterprise Council on Small Business, mobile is one of the only devices kept with people at all times and therefore, this platform presents a unique opportunity to capture business owners around the clock. As mobile continues to evolve and expand, enterprise marketers should endevour to take advantage of this emerging channel.
Small business owners are harnessing mobile to improve productivity
The adoption of smartphones has increased rapidly, around 10% in only two years. This trend will likely continue at an even faster pace. Smartphone’s and mobile phones have enabled marketers to engage small business owners in a number of new ways as marketers can now
  • Text promotions to potential customers
  • Allow customers to interact with representatives via text
  • Post online banner ads on the mobile web using WAP format
  • Create mobile apps to be used by small business owners
There are however, several factors that should be considered before beginning your mobile campaign. Small business owners are still only just beginning to embrace smartphone technology. Only 9% of business owners have ever downloaded an app, therefore for the time being keep it simple. Make use of text messaging and mobile banner ads, both of which have proven to be effective tools of mobile marketing. 

Good luck in using one of the most powerful marketing tools - the mobile or smartphone.

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