The Mentalist in Melbourne ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Sep 25, 2010

The Mentalist in Melbourne

If a stranger told you who your favourite teacher was, how would you feel? If he also knew what lottery numbers you would choose, what would you think? What do rational, even cynical people do in the face of an irrefutable demonstration of mind-reading? On the other hand, why is it that some people don’t even need the evidence? The world of mind readers, psychics and the paranormal is one which has divided people for as long as it has intrigued.

We went along last night and saw Philip Escoffey in "Six More Impossible Things Before Dinner" at the Arts Centre in Melbourne... you should not miss this!  
My children loved it and even my wife, who liked the John Edwards shows, came out thinking "Wow - how did he do that".
He is one of the best mind readers I have seen, great skill, fantastic humour and he reacts well to the little surprises the audience provides him.  Watch out for the nice little surprise at the end!

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