The Lone Cypress Tree: 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach California USA ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Feb 16, 2010

The Lone Cypress Tree: 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach California USA

I took this picture of The Lone Cypress Tree in September 2009.  Apparently it is claimed to be the "most photographed tree in the world"!

The tree is one of the landmarks on the 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach in California.  It is around 250 years old and represents the Pebble Beach Company, owner of Pebble Beach golf courses and many properties in this wealthy region of the Monterey Bay.

Like the tree, the 17-mile drive is a two lane road which has seen many years of activity. The shape of this famous tree has traveled the miles in logo products purchased by people from around the globe who come to visit, stay at the Pebble Beach resorts properties, play golf and even watch commercials and movies in which the tree has appeared. Oh, to be a famous tree!

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