Paris is great any time of the year ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Mar 4, 2010

Paris is great any time of the year

We visited Paris a few years ago and I loved every minute we were there.

Here is an amazing view of Paris as a panoramic 26 Gigapixel image at

Also, below are some beautiful images of Paris with some very special thoughts from Gabriel Garcia Marquez about life.  Gabriel is a Columbian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist.  KNown as "Gabo" in Latin America, he is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century.  He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.
Enjoy the beauty of a great city and the words of a great writer. The song in the video below is by Charles Aznavour and is called "Hier Encore".


Anonymous said...

What is the name of the song?

Chris Pattas said...

"Hier Encore" by Charles Aznavour