2010 Chile Earthquake - Tribute to a Catastrophe ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Mar 3, 2010

2010 Chile Earthquake - Tribute to a Catastrophe

The 2010 Chile earthquake was a catastrophe. It rated a magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale and lasted for about 3 minutes.  This was the strongest earthquake affecting Chile since the 1960 Valdivia earthquake (the most energetic earthquake ever recorded worldwide), and was the strongest earthquake worldwide since the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. It was the 7th strongest earthquake ever recorded - being 500 times more forceful than the 7.0 Mw earthquake in Haiti in January this year.
Images after the disaster were captured by www.boston.com/bigpicture and I was moved to turn it into a video. Witness the despair. A WARNING that some of the images are graphic and disturbing. Our well wishes go out to the people of Chile.

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