Shutter Island: DiCaprio Magic ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Feb 23, 2010

Shutter Island: DiCaprio Magic

If you are going to see the Martin Scorsese film "Shutter Island" I'd recommend you not read the book first.  It will spoil the ending and your enjoyment of the film.  Leonardo DiCaprio is brilliant as U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels.  I also loved Max von Sydow as Dr Naehring - he really lives his character.  Ben Kingsley is not as good as I have seen him play other films because I think his accent sounded too fake.
It is hard to comment about the film without giving away the ending.  It reminded me very much about another film which dealt with mental health issues which won several awards a few years ago.
The music is pure Scorcese drama and the cinematography captures the period (1950s) quite well.  I do not like the last line in the film by DiCaprio as I believe it leaves you hanging and could have been more creatively implemented.
It is a must see on the big screen because of the darkness and the bad weather scenes.  Take your family along as it has an important theme regarding the treatment of psychiatric patients only a few decades ago.  The twist at the end is a beauty.  I gave it an 8 out of 10 in terms of impact.  Enjoy the trailer...

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