Spitiko Restaurant: Greek Food and Music in South Melbourne ~ Chris Pattas Blog

Feb 22, 2010

Spitiko Restaurant: Greek Food and Music in South Melbourne

I took the family and friends to Spitiko - a Greek Restaurant in South Melbourne.  John, the host, entertained us with delicious Greek food, music and his own brand of humour.  The banquet was great - lots of dishes and a variety of Greek food so you can satisfy yourself with all the flavours Spitiko has to offer.
Make sure you checkout the pictures of John's grandma and the other memories he has all over the restaurant.  They take you down memory lane in the 60s and 70s and remind you of what it was like growing up in the Greek part of Melbourne.  We had a great time.  The price was reasonable as well which always helps when you are having fun.
If you ever wanted to know what it would be like having a Greek mum who was a great cook - then try Spitiko.  Here is a little taste of it:

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